VRV Drive
🌐 Website (opens in a new tab)
VRV Drive is the easiest way to find manufacturer's data for air conditioning units
- Make it fast & easy to find critical manufacturer's data for a given product and model
- Ensure data is always accurate and up to date
- Allow the user to download the Submittal Datasheet (PDF file)
- Highly performant, static site built on Gatsby (opens in a new tab), React, UI Kit (opens in a new tab), GraphQL and deployed to AWS Cloudfront + S3
- Cron job to amalgamate data from the manufacturers’ websites using Puppeteer (opens in a new tab)
- Fast and accurate search to find products and models by name, manufacturer ID and keywords built on Algolia (opens in a new tab)
- Simple CMS using online Excel which the client was familiar with
- User can search and find a product model in less than 20 seconds
- User can search and download a Submittal Datasheet in less than 30 seconds
- Segmented manufacturers' information can be found in 1 place
- All information is updated nightly to ensure accuracy